SERVICIO Y MANTENIMIENTO PARA ROBÓTICA, S.L.,  (from now on, «SEMAPRO») is committed to protecting the privacy of its customers and users who access the following website (hereinafter referred to as the “Website”).

The contents of the website are owned, operated, licensed or controlled by SEMAPRO.

The use of this website confers the condition of the user (hereinafter, the “user”). The user can browse and use the Website without providing any personal data. The only personal data to which the user will have access will be that which the user voluntarily provides through the forms provided for this purpose, or when contacting SEMAPRO by e-mail or in any other way provided for on the Website. If personal data are collected through cookies, you will be duly informed through the Cookies Policy, as well as through the channels required by current legislation.

This document presents our policy on the observance and use of personal data collected through our website or auxiliary devices such as mobiles or tablets. Likewise, the use of the Website implies acceptance by the user of the provisions contained in this Privacy Policy and that your personal data will be treated as stipulated therein.

Please note that although there may be links on our Website to other websites, this Privacy Policy applies only to the Website and not to the websites of other companies or organizations to which the Website is redirected. SEMAPRO does not control or endorse the content of third party websites and accepts no responsibility for the content or privacy policies of such websites.


Having said the above and in compliance with the provisions of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 27 April 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, as well as in compliance with the provisions of the regulations in force, we proceed to provide full information on the points indicated below:

The controller of your personal data is:


C.I.F.: B-66681156

Address: Francesc Layret nº 5, bjos.1ª, 08940 CORNELLA DE LLOBREGAT (Barcelona).


Telephone: 931570218

Inscription: Registro Mercantil de Barcelona, Tomo 45.139, Libro 2606, Folio 203, Hoja B-478097, e Inscripción 1ª.

Likewise, you may contact SEMAPRO by sending an email to the following address:

To attend to and resolve user requests or requests that may be made through the contact e-mail address on our website. Legitimate interest, the consent of the data subject when completing and sending the form and, in the event that the request is related to the exercise of rights, our legitimation will be in compliance with a legal obligation.
To send you information or new offers by means of marketing communications to the extent that you subscribe to our Newsletter or provide your e-mail address. The basis of legitimacy is the express consent at the time you subscribe to the Newsletter or agree to receive information via email by ticking the checkbox.
Data processing for statistical purposes, to improve the quality of the services provided. The basis of legitimacy is legitimate interest, as these statistics allow us to improve the website by offering a higher quality.

Data that are processed, record of processing activities and purpose of the same with regard to the processing of personal data provided to us, or any other data that may arise as a result of accessing our website, inform you that they will be incorporated into the existing data processing system and whose ownership and responsibility is SERVICIO Y MANTENIMIENTO PARA ROBÓTICA, S.L., expressly consenting to the processing of such personal data in a lawful, fair, transparent, adequate, relevant, limited, accurate and updated for the following purposes.Thus, in the event that the user gives his express consent by accepting the checkbox, he will receive advertising and commercial news from SEMAPRO about the services it provides through electronic means. However, the user may at any time revoke the consent given for the sending of advertising through the electronic media provided, by writing to the e-mail address, to the postal address indicated above of the Data Controller, or by following the instructions contained in the telematic communications.

Minors under the age of 18 may only consult and provide data on the website under the supervision and authorisation of a parent or guardian. Likewise, given SEMAPRO’s difficulty in ascertaining the true age of users, parents or legal guardians must prevent minors from accessing the website and providing personal data without their supervision, excluding SEMAPRO from all liability.

For this purpose, the user provides the following data in the contact form: name and surname, e-mail address, contact telephone number, the data provided in the comments.

Furthermore, we do not make automated decisions based on profiling, with the exception of the prevention of internet fraud and the personalisation of advertising.

The period of retention of personal data is the time necessary to comply with legal obligations related to the services provided.

The information collected by our cookies is also retained for a maximum period of 1 year and 2 months.

Transfer of personal data. Information relating to our customers is very important to us, so we will only pass on data for specific purposes and we will always inform you of this.

User data will be transferred to:

– Third-party service providers who, as a result of the provision of such services, process the aforementioned data in the name and on behalf of SEMAPRO for computer maintenance services and the implementation of the website.

– In compliance with a legal obligation, to the authorities that request it.

User rights. The user may at any time exercise their rights of access, rectification, limitation of processing, deletion, opposition and the right not to be subject to individualized decisions, by sending a written and signed request, including their name, surname and a photocopy of their ID card or other valid supporting document, to SERVICIO Y MANTENIMIENTO PARA ROBÓTICA, S.L., at the address indicated above or to the email address of the Security Manager:

The exercise of these rights is free of charge, unless unfounded or excessive requests are made, in which case the user will bear the cost of processing the request.

We also inform you that you may contact the competent supervisory authority to submit any complaint you deem appropriate.


SEMAPRO informs that it has adopted the necessary technical and organizational measures to maintain the level of security required for the personal data processed and has also implemented the necessary mechanisms to prevent, as far as possible, unauthorized access, theft, unlawful modification and loss of data. In this sense, we process personal data using SSL.

We have physical, electronic and procedural security systems in place in relation to the collection, storage and disclosure of your personal information. Our security procedures mean that we may sometimes ask you for proof of identity before providing you with sensitive information.


In compliance with current legislation, SEMAPRO undertakes to comply with its obligation to maintain the secrecy of the personal data provided by the user while browsing this website and its duty to keep them confidential.


All the contents of the website are protected by intellectual property rights. By way of example, but not limited to, the graphic design, source code, logos, texts, graphics, illustrations, photographs, language code, software and other elements that appear on the website. Therefore, the user acknowledges that the reproduction, distribution, commercialisation, transformation and, in general, any other form of exploitation, by any procedure, of all or part of the contents of this Website constitutes an infringement of the intellectual and/or industrial property rights of SEMAPRO or of the owner of the same.

The trademarks or distinctive signs of any kind contained on the Website are also protected by law.

Under no circumstances may the user modify or use such intellectual or industrial property in such a way that its disclosure would be detrimental to SEMAPRO, in which case SEMAPRO shall claim for damages arising from the improper use by third parties of its intellectual and industrial property.

SEMAPRO does not grant any license or authorisation of use of any kind over its industrial and/or intellectual property rights or over any other property or right related to the Website, the services or the contents.


Here are some examples of the information we collect and analyze: The Internet IP address you use to connect to the Internet with your computer, information about your computer and your connection to the Internet and about your browser version and type; your time zone settings, the types and versions of your browser connection the operating system and platform you use, the “history of visits” of web pages (URLs) from, through and to our website (including date and time), number of cookies, any telephone number you have used to call our customer service. We may also use browser data such as cookies, Flash cookies (also called Local Shared Objects), or similar data in certain places on our website to prevent fraud, among other purposes. On your visits to the website, we may use software tools to measure and collect session information, including page response times, download errors, length of visits to certain pages, information about page interaction (mouse clicks, page scrolling or number of times you mouse over certain items), and ways to exit the website. We may also collect technical information that helps us identify your device for diagnostic analysis and fraud prevention purposes.


If you have any questions regarding SEMAPRO’s privacy, please send us an email detailing your query and we will try to resolve it.

SEMAPRO may change and update this Privacy Policy at any time without notice. Please always check that you are aware of our Privacy Policy, Cookie Policy and Terms and Conditions of Use so that you are always aware of what content is collected through the Website, how we use it and the circumstances under which it may be disclosed to third parties. You are automatically bound by the terms and conditions of use in effect at the time you access the Site and should therefore periodically read this document.

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